"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something."
Huxley, T.H.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Week 3 - Thing 5 Figuring out Flickr

This week I am figuring out all about Flickr and having fun making additions to my blog. Flickr offers me a great way to share my photos with my family who I do not see as often as I would like. I have really enjoyed exploring the site and and seeing all the options. I posted a few of my favorite pictures on my blog. The site is easy to use and it doesn't hurt to have a friend nearby to pick their brains for answers! I will most likely continue to add photos to my Flickr account to share with my family and friends.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Week 2 - Thing 3 Pointers from lifelong learning

The 7 1/2 habits tutorial was very interesting. I think the one habit I can most likely relate to is Habit 7 1/2 - Play! I love playing and definitely am still a child at heart. I think if it isn't fun, then you should find a way to make it fun! The hardest habit listed was Habit 4 - Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. I know that I am a very visual learner and like to see an example of how something is done before I try it. This often means I am timid to try things for the first time, in fear of doing something wrong. On the other hand, I love to learn new things and share the new information with other people.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 1 - Thing 1 About this program

I am finally beginning my 23 Things journey. I hope all goes well during this trip and that I learn many new things about technology. I am excited to learn about new websites and being able to share the information I learn with my sister. It should be a very rewarding exercise. So, here I go........